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Are "Divine Counterparts" Too Good To Be True?

Before we begin this blog, I must remind us that we are the creators of our destiny in this lifetime - while I believe in soul contracts, I also believe in free will. Our actions have reactions and no one but ourselves can control our actions.

In my last post, Why You May Not Marry Your Soulmate, we explored different types of soulmate connections, covering the theme that not every soulmate is platonic, which is why you may not marry your *first* soulmate. Following this analogy, is the theory that there are some souls who have specifically chosen to reincarnate with us in this lifetime to be a major part of our journey.

There is the theory that out of the many souls you encounter in your lifetime, you will also encounter 'The One' whom you may marry. This theory is that we are each incarnated on this Earth with a Divine Counterpart - someone who was 'created' to be our partner in this life.

Are Divine Counterparts real?

Although I personally believe in this concept, I was curious about what each of you thought...

In an Instagram survey, 94% of you said you believe in 'Divine Counterparts' with only 6% saying 'No'.

One user even responded with, 'Yes but they may not always be alive or in the same place at the same time'.


And while my pessimistic Capricorn-Sun ego wanted to dwell on this idea that my Divine Counterpart is lost in another timeline, my Gemini-Rising soul curiously begged for more information...

This led me to my next questions, Are Divine Counterparts Soulmates or Twin Flames?

Both of these questions offered nearly the same results:

So, What Are Divine Counterparts?

Well, the concept of Divine Counterparts seems to be split between many theorists. This Quora post discusses Divine Counterparts as rare souls who mirror our energy rather than share it. Like 2 balanced energies - one predominately feminine, the other predominately masculine. A more familiar concept of this is Yin and Yang.

Another author in this post suggests that Divine Counterparts take on aspects we do not like about ourselves as we discover and mould our personalities through experiences. This theory means that when we finally meet our Divine Counterpart, we are confronted by all the things we have tried to suppress and are faced to accept them in our beloved, as we would have / should have within ourselves. This process also happens in reverse, our Divine Counterpart pushing aspects they don't like about themselves onto us for us to adopt and develop.

This theory suggests that while we are magnetically attracted to our counterpart, we also find them repelling in their behaviour as we are confronted by our 'dislikes', forcing us into a push & pull dynamic of learning to love and accept them and ourselves.

Curiouser, and curiouser...

Well, does EVERYONE have a Divine Counterpart?

Again, this is where many of us seem to be divided; still a vast majority of you voted 'yes'.

My interpretation of a Divine Counterpart is a partner in our lifetime who has chosen to be a major part of our lives and through careful Divine Orchestration (meaning there will be *sometimes many* things out of our control in orchestrating this union).

This personal interpretation leads me to believe that YES:

We do all, in some form or another, have a divinely orchestrated counterpart who has chosen prior to incarnation to be a major part of our life.

So what do you believe?

I believe a Divine Counterpart is simply that - someone who was Divinely orchestrated to be a major part of our lives.

I believe we feel them before we see them; that we 'know' each other long before our eyes have the opportunity to see each other.

I also believe a Divine Counterpart could manifest in a Soulmate as equally as a Twin Flame...

Soulmate energies are offered to aid us in our healing journey, becoming very integral roles in our healing, standing by our side when we need them until we may not need them anymore.

Where a 'standard' soulmate contract may expire as the terms have been met, a Divine Counterpart would stay, conditional that they continue to grow as much as we do in this joint union through life. A Divine Counterpart Soulmate would challenge us and nurture us *expecting the same from us*, by our side for the whole ride...

Twin Flames, on the other hand, are essentially the same soul reincarnated into 2 bodies, sharing and mirroring energy as dual counterparts. Encountering your Twin in the physical world triggers many challenges, predominately within the ego (how you see yourself and how you wish others to see you) as your souls are forced to face their truths.

A Twin Flame connection inevitably faces a separation period - usually when you need them / crave them most, they leave. And while reunion is possible in Twin Flame connections, it is reliant on the fact that you both want this to work. A Divine Counterpart Twin Flame would require us to be challenged and nurture ourselves, reliant on the other doing the same in order for union to be possible.

I believe that regardless of the label of Soulmate or Twin Flame, a Divine Counterpart is certainly an iteration of our 'other half'.

We may not need them but our soul will want for them. We may not have met them but our soul will crave for them.

And I believe that is how you know you may have one - you will 'meet' them long before you *physically* meet them. Their soul will intertwine with yours through dreams, through imagination and through visualisation (daydreams).

But of course, this is only a theory...

Despite my pessimistic, realistically fragmented mind, I firmly believe there is somebody out there for everybody.

Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments down below!

Love + Light,

The Hermit Tarot

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5 commentaires

Samantha Tarkington
Samantha Tarkington
01 avr. 2022

Hi :)

I love your interpretation as well as your podcast on twin flames. I believe there are many soulmates for one person but this is the first time I've read a soul contract ends once it has been fulfilled. Makes sense to me! As far as divine counterparts staying around so long as they grow, if the whole point of life is expansion.. then why wouldn't they? But at the same time, wouldn't this require both parties to be interested in expanding? I agree that the meeting of the two parties is divinely orchestrated.. I have trouble extending the divine orchestration throughout the duration of the union. I think a divine counterpart comes into someone's life when they are…


Dee T
Dee T
28 août 2021

Hi Lorraine, this post made me tear up. I’m also a Capricorn sun, and with my Aquarius moon, I never really believed in any of this. I thought maybe it is true for some people, meaning if it floats your boat, then by all means. But I encountered someone, almost 2 years ago and my whole life has been turned upside ever since this meeting. We are not friends, we barely have said two words to each other, but oh my gosh the intensity of our connection was crazy. I was at a point in my marriage when I was questioning everything about life and if it really was supposed to be so difficult to just build a life with…


Jessica Vasconcelos
Jessica Vasconcelos
13 janv. 2021

I only recently learned about Divine Counterparts/Twin Flames/Soul Mates, and it was only because I was randomly suggested a Youtube video on this topic. I was shocked because I saw it at a time when I was going through a painful situation with my person and it described exactly how I feel about them. He and I had always discussed how weird our meeting was, how we are very alike but not at the same time, and how a lot of our past was very similar even though we grew up in two different countries.

Basically, he and I always said we were twins before ever knowing about the term “Twin Flames”. Since I’ve learned about all of this, I…

The Hermit Tarot
The Hermit Tarot
10 mai 2021
En réponse à

Hi Jessica! Thank you for commenting again and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to reply to you. If he is your Divine Counterpart then the trick is to not focussing on living without the thought of him but with it. This will be an ongoing process of surrendering and patience towards yourself. Some days will be easier than others and life guides us to focus more on our own happiness, abundance & success but other days will be low as your soul naturally calls for what it knows. But it does get easier with time and a healthy amount of acceptance. We cannot control other people but free will does work both ways and accepting that they are…

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