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Did you know spiders are a good luck charm? Seeing them is a sign that negative energy has been trapped in their webs, allowing more good luck to flow towards you.


These earrings are handcrafted and cleansed to bring the added good luck vibes into the lives of whoever wears them. May your best possible outcome find you swiftly!


The spiders themselves are symbols of trickery, swiftness and dexterity, while the red beads are connected to the root chakra (muladhara). Together, these earrings are intended to bring you safety and security until you are ready to take fast, nimble action towards your goal.


These earrings are an excellent gift idea if you are wanting to help a loved one regain their sense of self.

Spider-Bait earrings

Sales Tax Included
Only 1 left in stock
  • Zinc, plastic

  • 7.5cm in length

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